As we all look forward to easing pandemic restrictions I thought it might be a good idea to set up an online meet-and-greet. Our next one will be Thursday June 24, 2021 at 8:00 PM. Please click here for details. We held one of these earlier in the year to great success! There are so many new members and many, many (many) long-time members that haven't had a chance to connect in a while.

I've put together a quick presentation of all that we've done over the past several years at Sacred Spaces with an eye on a "reboot" once pandemic restrictions are fully lifted. I'd also like to discuss some of the bigger projects that we've got going, many of which need member support. I'd especially like to hear what you all would like to do so I can create a to-do list for the months ahead. Member input is that 'heart and soul" of Sacred Spaces so I look forward to catching up with all of you online.